The Spanish FLES/LTC Program
Braddock ES implements the Spanish FLES/LTC program (Foreign Language in Elementary School / Language Through Content) which is an approach to language learning while reinforcing and enriching content in other disciplines. Research studies indicate that the early study of a second language results in cognitive benefits, gains in academic achievement, and increases self-esteem, creativity, and positive attitudes toward diversity.

The goals of the program are:
- To promote academic excellence by teaching students to communicate effectively in at least two languages.
- To develop 21st century skills by supporting integrated STEAM concepts instruction with a strong focus on Science.
- To promote at an early age the development of an “Ethical and Global Citizen” as part of the “Portrait of a Graduate” who acknowledges and understands diverse perspectives and cultures and contributes to solutions that benefit the broader community
- To help students understand the interrelationship and interdependence of the countries and cultures of the world.
- To develop increased functional proficiency in all aspects of the language with each year of study.
- To meet district, state, and national foreign language standards.

The program provides all students with language learning opportunities one hour a week:
- Kindergarten: 30 minutes twice a week.

Grades 1-5: One hour per week.

This model supports the five goal areas of the national standards for World Languages (communication, culture, connections, comparisons, and communities) and is aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning for World Languages.