Family Liaisons
Our Braddock ES family liaisons serve as a link between our families and our schools.
Our family liaisons facilitate family-school communication, which empowers families to become more active partners in their children’s education. They work in our school and community to help families get the information and assistance they need to support their children at home and to ensure their academic success. They welcome and orient families to the school and familiarize the families with the school's culture, policies, procedures, and practices.
What Can Family Liaisons Do?
Since family liaisons know a great deal about the school and community, they are a valuable resource for families. They can connect families with the appropriate people within the school or community who can help meet children's needs.
Family liaisons establish and build successful working relationships with the families of all children in the school. They appreciate the school's cultural diversity and work to foster unity, cohesiveness, and cooperation among all families.
How Do Family Liaisons Help Parents?
- Encourage open communication between families and school personnel.
- Explain the purpose and process of conferences and school meetings.
- Attend conferences and school meetings with you to clarify procedures and processes.
- Arrange meetings between families and school staff members.
- When needed, make arrangements to have language interpreters or translators at school meetings.
- Explain school policies, practices, and programs.
- Provide information about school goals, resources, and activities.
- Offer suggestions about how families can become involved in their child's education and school community.
- Help families connect with any special help or service you child may need.